
Executive board recruitment

Executive Board member – search and recruitment

An alert and competent board plays a decisive role in a company's development and goal attainment. A rapidly changing competitive landscape, changing framework conditions and a challenging geopolitical trading situation have become everyday life for many companies. It also affects what competence the board needs to be able to meet these challenges.

We find that companies are increasingly in demand for board members who:

  • reflects diversity in society
  • has a global mindset and brings in international experience and perspective
  • concerned with sustainable and renewable solutions and recognizes how different business practices can help support the business's bottom line social responsibility
  • good ethical and cultural understanding and ability to understand the company´s culture
  • evne å tilpasse seg ulike forretningsmiljø og anvende teknologiske nyvinninger 
  • can operate within flexible board models and has the ability to meet demands and expectations of new ways to lead
  • understands risk management and crisis management
  • is genuinely interested in creating results together with others, and that manage to challenge, think new and push the company forward

We have specialized in identifying skilled board members. With the help of our search methodology, network and AI-optimizing systems, we present new candidate profiles in line with requested competence requirements.   

Job interview questions

New rules from 2024

I 2024 innføres krav om minst 40% kjønnsbalanse i styret for mellomstore og store bedrifter. Dette omfatter om lag 8 000 selskaper og 6 600 nye styrerepresentanter i første omgang.

The rules will already be introduced from 2024 and will cover around 8,000 companies. In the first instance, it applies to companies with more than NOK 100 million in total operating and financial income. Thereafter, the rules will be extended annually until 2028 and will apply to around 20,000 companies. In 2028, the rules will include companies with more than 30 employees and with more than NOK 50 million in total operating and financial income.


The government's calculations show that there will be a need to recruit almost 13,000 new board representatives up until 2028. When the first step is introduced next year, there will be a need for around 6,600 new board representatives, most of them women.


Are you interested in being considered for a board position?

Register your CV if you wish to be considered for a board position. Your CV will be searchable in our database for board members.

The database for board members is separate from the company's candidate database, which is used for recruitment purposes. If you want to register for vacancies, you can do that here.

Contact persons

Bilde av Jane Aamodt Haugland

Jane Aamodt Haugland

+47 909 89 954

Do you want to know more?

Do you want to know more about how we recruit to boards, NGOs or companies?