The process of changing jobs usually goes through four phases. First you have to find out what you want, and then you have to find a relevant job that is available.The process of changing jobs usually goes through four phases. First you have to find out what you want, and then you have to find a relevant job that is available. When you have found a job to apply for, you must write an application that ensures you will come to an interview. And finally, you have to master the interview. On this page, we collect information that can help you succeed as a job seeker.
We offer physical and digital jobseeker courses to help you make your competence as a jobseeker visible.
Første steg på vei til ny jobb handler om å finne ut hva du vil. Vil du utvikle deg? Eller har du kommet i en situasjon hvor du må finne en ny jobb, men ønsker å prøve et nytt fagfelt?
Figuring out what the next job is for you can be difficult, but the better you understand what you want, the easier it is to find jobs to apply for. Awareness of motivation makes it easier for others to help you, and is absolutely central to actually getting the right job.
Det kan være vanskelig nok å navigere i jobbmarkedet, og i tillegg er det ikke alle stillinger som faktisk lyses ut. Hvordan gjør du deg aktuell for disse stillingene?
Recruiters use, among other things, LinkedIn to find relevant candidates. It is therefore important that you have an updated and relevant LinkedIn profile, so that we can find you when we are looking for candidates.
Job openings are "fresh produce".On our sites you will find the job openings we´re curently working with. If you cant find the right job for you, you may also chose to register your CV in our database.
LinkedIn is one of several tools recruiters use to find relevant candidates for positions. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is relevant and up-to-date.
Make sure that both your CV and application are adapted to the position you are applying for.
Perhaps you are already daydreaming about your new working life. Between you and the interview stands a good application and CV. How can you stand out in the crowd of job seekers?
CVen synliggjør hvilken kompetanse og erfaring du har med deg. Søknaden skal vise litt av din personlighet og fortelle hva som motiverer deg. Den er bindeleddet mellom deg og din CV. Både søknad og CV må vise hvorfor akkurat du er relevant for den jobben du søker. Hvis du virkelig vil levere en god søknad må du forstå hva arbeidsgiveren søker etter. Her finner du hjelp til å skrive en god CV og søknad.
Endelig har du fått invitasjonen! Men, intervjuprosessen kan være krevende. Du møter mennesker du ikke kjenner fra før, som skal vurdere om du er den beste kandidaten til jobben.
Those candidates who do best in the interview are well prepared, are aware of what motivates them, are themselves, and are focused on the job they are applying for. Read up well in advance and practice the interview setting. Also think carefully about what is important for you to get answers to during the interview.
Coming prepared to an interview can mean the difference between getting the job or not.
Jobbsøkerkoden – slik får du jobben, handler om nettopp det. Hvordan knekker du koden og får jobben du alltid har drømt om? Via Universitetsforlaget kan du kjøpe boken til MeyerHaugen-pris. Klikk på knappen under, legg boken i handlekurven og bruk rabattkoden “mhrabatt” når du skal betale.