
Our vision

We set the standard
for future recruitment

The board at MeyerHaugen AS

Styret i MeyerHaugen AS består av styreleder og fem styremedlemmer. 

Styremedlemmene er valgt på bakgrunn av deres holdninger og verdier. De har alle et tankesett som stemmer overens med våre verdier i MeyerHaugen. 


Siv Jensen

Chairwoman of the board

Former finance minister and leader of the Progressive Party, Siv Jensen, is MeyerHaugen's chairman. With 25 years of experience from Norwegian top politics, she has good experience in developing strategies to improve the Norwegian labor market. Her fight to reduce alienation in working life and to strengthen equality and diversity is among the reasons why she wants to be chairman of the board with us. Jensen currently works as a consultant, gives lectures and works with "what makes her happy", such as with us and for the Norwegian Rescue Service.



Why did you accept the offer to be chairman of the board at MeyerHaugen? 

- I agreed to be chairman of MH because the company has healthy values and talented employees.

Bjørn Arild Wisth

Bjørn Arild Wisth

Board member

Bjørn Arild Wisth har vært styremedlem i MeyerHaugen siden november 2020. Han har lang ledererfaring og har ledet over 100 prosjekter i privat- og offentlig sektor. Wisth jobber til daglig som viseadministrerende direktør i Strawberry. Wisth brenner for en grønnere fremtid og et inkluderende arbeidsliv.

Foto: Strawberry

Kjetil Borgersen

Kjetil Øien Borgersen

Board member

Kjetil Øien Borgersen has been a board member of MeyerHaugen since the company was established. He has extensive management experience from both large and small companies from start-up to commercial phase. On a daily basis, he works with technology and international business development and is very good at strategy and management. Kjetil works as Sr. Operations Manager for Halliburton. 


Why did you want to join MeyerHaugen's board?

- It is people who ultimately bring society forward. MeyerHaugen connects the right people with exciting opportunities. Always firmly rooted in solid values, professional thoroughness and the courage to adopt new approaches. It is a privilege to be able to contribute to development in society through the work on the board of MeyerHaugen. 

Didde Christensen

Board member

Didde Christensen is a self-proclaimed technophile and passionate about change in the IT and technology field. She is very good at innovation and the interaction between innovation and technology. Christensen has extensive experience in IT, as everything from developer to CDO and CTO. 


Why did you want to join MeyerHaugen's board?

- MeyerHaugen is a company that wants to use technology and new methods to deliver recruitment services in an industry that is historically very traditional and where little innovation has occurred. Forward-looking companies that lead the way for change are very exciting, and I am happy to be able to contribute to this journey

Sverre Haugen

Sverre Haugen

Board member

Sverre Haugen is one of the founders of MeyerHaugen. He has a background as an IT developer and previously worked as a recruitment manager at the consulting company Accenture. Sverre has helped several of the largest players in Norwegian working life with employer branding and recruitment of top talent, both in the private and public sector. In 2016, Sverre published the book  The Jobseeker Code  where he conveys the employer's perspective and how one should think and communicate as a job seeker.

Petter Meyer

Petter Meyer

Board member

Petter Meyer is one of the founders of MeyerHaugen. He has broad experience from demanding recruitment assignments, both nationally and internationally. He previously worked as head of recruitment at Norges Bank, where he led the central bank's work with recruitment and employer branding. Petter has been a partner in the headhunting company BackerSkeie and has several years of management experience from the Directorate of Employment.